
General Session, Thursday Morning – Brett Varvel

By March 12, 2015 No Comments

BrettVarvel-3.12amSessionBrett Varvel presented a powerful and encouraging message at this morning’s general session.  He shared with us his own journey into filmmaking, explaining how it is so important that both you and your spouse are fully surrendered to wherever the Lord takes you.  When you are dedicated to making Christian films there will be opposition.  The gospel message is offensive to the world because it is radically exclusive.  Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only life.  We also have a great privilege in using God’s Word in our films since it is the greatest, most powerful story ever!  People’s hearts are longing to know the truth, and where are they searching?  They are looking to media!  Movies are the most powerful medium in our culture, and we can use that to proclaim Jesus Christ.  If one soul comes to Christ as a result of our film, that is worth it all!  We need to think of eternity and live in the light of it!